Weekly Prayers

Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 12th February 2025

Gracious Lord,  be with all who struggle with confusion in their lives. May we each learn the importance of talking to, as well as listening, to all who need our help in times of trouble.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 29th January 2025

Loving God,  we pray for any who are suffering the aftermath of last week’s storm. We also give grateful thanks for the dedicated work of those who, through being called upon, assisted in various ways to support and comfort at that time.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 22nd January 2025

Although days are cold let us give thanks for blue skies and sunshine. May this lift our hearts as we follow situations of uncertainty and anxiety throughout the world. We pray that our loving God will guide all with wisdom and compassion.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 15th January 2025

God of Care and Compassion,

As we bring our prayers for others to You once more, we are aware of a ceasefire in the Middle East. At this time we remember how life has been for many involved in the total, tragic carnage over fifteen months. We remember them and those injured or who have lost their lives. We pray for all held hostage.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 8th January 2025

Caring God, fill our political leaders and each and every one of us with the spiritual strength, humility and wisdom to act with grace. Let us all contribute selflessly and tirelessly toward achieving peace for all.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 1st January 2025

What will we do with the year that has begun? The choice is ours. God leaves that to us. Let us prayerfully accept the challenges and the possibilities of the year that lies ahead.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 18th December 2024

Bless to us, O God,

The earth beneath our feet.

Bless to us, O God,

The path whereon we go,

Bless to us, O God,

The people whom we meet.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 11th December 2024

Loving Lord, help us to see our world with Your eyes, so that we may continue to learn the ways of Your love, and knowing them, we may be strengthened to follow each and every day.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 4th December 2024.

Let us reflect on the following few words.

Another name for faith at times is courage. Courage to believe the best. Courage to be our best.

Courage to do the right thing.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 27th November 2024

Loving God, we thank You for the goodness in others. May we be positive and cheerful in all that we do as we go forward in faith with the knowledge of Your love for each one of us.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 13th November 2024

These few words are being written on 13th  November– World Kindness Day 2024.  To show Kindness is such a special act that can mean so much. When we encourage others by showing  understanding, compassion and sympathy it brings happiness to those who receive and to those who give. Let us create many Kindness Days.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 6th November 2024

Loving Father, we ask for your help to navigate the complex reality of our lives, with faith, grace and humility so that we may bring blessing wherever we go.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 30th October 2024

God of Wisdom,  we ask You prayerfully to bless our political leaders and each and everyone of us with the spiritual strength, humility and grace to act with sense and care.

Let us all contribute selflessly and tirelessly toward achieving harmony, with hope, in our country and the world.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 23rd October 2024

Loving Father, help us to understand You in a new way each day and to see Your glory in everyday things. We ask Your blessings on all who grieve at this time, praying that peace and comfort will come to them.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 16th October 2024

Loving Lord, please give us the humility to learn from any bad decisions. Thank you that when we ask, You give us a fresh start after each mistake. We ask Your blessing on all we undertake in Jesus’ name.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 9th October 2024

God of Love and Compassion,

We bring before you in prayer all in Florida who are facing the dangers of hurricane Milton. We think of those who may lose their homes and members of various emergency services who will attempt to help in this tragic situation.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 2nd October 2024

God of care and compassion, at this time we bring before You the desperate troubles in the Middle East. We pray for all who are caught up in the tragic killings of so many innocent families, thinking especially of the little ones who are now alone and must feel so lost. We bring them all before You in our prayers.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 25th September 2024 

Let us recognise the challenges and possibly fears that each day brings. We can ask our faithful, caring God for His presence, comfort and protection for whatever we are facing. He is always with us.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 18th September 2024

Loving God, We do give thanks for some days of sunshine. The blue skies and warmth make everyone feel relaxed, bright and happy. We remember in our prayers those who are unable to feel what we do and ask Your blessing on each one.


Prayer thoughts for Wednesday 11th September 2024

Let us remember that we believe in the sun though it is late in rising. We believe in love though it is absent  we believe in God though he is silent.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 4th September 2024. 

Let us remember that here and now is all we need, forget any failures as we accept fresh challenges.

If things go wrong do not be downcast, simply plan new dreams and carry on with faith and hope.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 28th August 2024 

Let us remember that sometimes we have seize the opportunities and challenges that come our way.

As we live in hope we can chase our dreams and follow our hearts with trust and faith in the future.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 21st August 2024

Caring God we bring before You now all who are being affected, and perhaps afraid, as we experience times of unseasonable weather. Let us be able to help where it is needed, to any who are struggling.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 14th August 2024

Loving God, we give You thanks for some days of blue skies and sunshine especially as the little ones and young people are able to enjoy it. As always, we ask that You keep them safe at this time of fun and enjoyment.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 7th August 2024

God of care and compassion we come before You in prayer, at this time of sadness and trouble in our country. We pray for those working against sectarianism and for ecumenism. We also pray for all ordinary families living extraordinary lives of reconciliation amidst torn communities. May Your wisdom and guidance be in every action taken.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 31st July 2024

May the road rise with us.

May the wind be always at our backs.

May the sun shine warm upon our faces,

May the rain fall soft upon our fields.

Until we meet again, may God hold us 

In the hollow of his hands.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 24th July 2024

We have a world of sunshine, a world of rain

It’s a world of laughter and a world of pain.

It’s a world we must share, where we learn to care,

For the world belongs to God.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 17th July 2024

Having God in our lives means we have peace and comfort in our hearts as we walk down any path we are asked to follow. It means that we can pray to a caring and loving Father who always has time to listen and never fails to understand.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 26th June 2024

A short blessing.

                May the God of peace go with us

                 as we travel on our way,

                 as the love of Jesus keeps us

                 firm in hope and full of grace.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 19th June 2024 

Let us be thankful for the blessings we receive.

Let us be thoughtful of others.

Let us remember dear and close friends.

Let us have faith in tomorrow.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 12th June 2024

Let us remember in our prayers Ministers and congregations within the Church of Scotland. All have strengths and weaknesses and we ask for God’s guidance and blessing that there will be wisdom and unity in work that is undertaken in His name within every church.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 5th June 2024 

In this week let us remember with pride and love the many who 80 years ago fought so bravely for our country. We pray that, in the years to come, their actions will not ever be forgotten although they will no longer be with us. We ask God’s blessing will be on each one now and always.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Loving God, we give you thanks for the opportunity to travel away from home, to live elsewhere, and to meet new friends. We do appreciate our friends of a lifetime and can now learn about others.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 15th May 2024

Gracious God,    as the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland begins in Edinburgh from this week, we bring to You in prayer the Business with discussions and decisions.

We ask that all involved there will have clarity and wisdom in what they undertake.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 1st May 2024

Caring God, as we look at the beauty of Your creation on days of sunshine, we give You grateful thanks for our many blessings.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 24th April 2024

Loving God, we give You grateful thanks on a beautiful day of blue skies and sunshine, for the joy that this day can bring?  We also think of those who cannot enjoy such a day perhaps due to illness, are housebound or personal sadness. We ask Your blessing on all who need You at this time. 


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 17th April 2024

May we see and hear the signs of God in nature, in the environment, in others and in ourselves.

Let us give grateful thanks, as always, for the closeness and support of family and friends in our lives.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 10th April 2024

Loving God,

Be a bright flame before us,

Be a guiding star above us,

Be a smooth path below us,

Be a kindly shepherd behind us,

Today, tomorrow and always.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 3rd April 2024

Gracious God, help us to remember that we should think before we speak. If we should decide to give advice let us think it through. At times it is the silence that enables people to cope. The friend who listens is the ray of hope. Let us be aware that this Easter past is the season of renewal and hope.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 27th March 2024

Caring God, sometimes we do not realise how fortunate we are, for others live in turmoil as You well know.  To have a roof above our heads, food to eat each day, good health is another blessing. Loving Heavenly Father for all these things, and more, we give You grateful thanks at this special time of Easter.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 20th March 2024

As we approach Palm Sunday we remember Christ’s joyful entry into Jerusalem with cheering, waving of branches and the many children in the crowds. In the week to come let us meet together as Christians and friends within our churches to think once again of Jesus’ sacrifice for us all.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 13th March 2024

Heavenly Father, help us to work our way through our busy lives with faith, humility and love, so that we may bring blessings to others wherever we go.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 6th March 2024

Caring God, we give grateful thanks for a day of blue skies and sunshine which makes life seem so much better for many.

Let us also remember, with love and concern, those who at this time have lost loved ones and days are sad and dismal, where no sun shines. We pray that they feel You near.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 28th February 2024

As we go about our daily lives, in this sometimes complex world, let us be aware of others and their concerns and needs.

May we know the presence of God, now and always, who is beyond us and within us.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 21st February 2024  

Where there is difficulty or failure 


Where there is hurt


Where there is love


Thanks be to God


Prayer Thoughts for 14th February 2024

Caring God, may our anger never endanger our relationships or the lives of others but may steadfast objections right wrongs, with Your wisdom and guidance. We pray that You be in our thinking and speaking in every situation.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 7th February 2024

Loving Lord, at times it is tempting to give up on our efforts, especially when things become difficult. Help us not to dwell on past mistakes or setbacks but to start again looking forward with optimism and faith, as we go in to the future with You.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 31st January 2024

Heavenly Father, You are with us at all times, in sorrow, in sickness and in happiness.

You hold us in Your loving arms when the world seems full of challenges and uncertainties but You are always there.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 24th January 2024

Caring God, At this time of dangerous winds, together with very heavy rain, we pray for all who are alone and may be anxious and frightened. We do bring before You in prayer the many who have to carry out their work in dreadful conditions. We ask for Your blessing on each one.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 17th January 2024

Dear Lord, walk closely with us each day, go with us in everything we undertake. Let us feel You very near in all that we do.

We thank You for what is past and trust You for what is still to to come.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 10th January 2024

Loving Father, we ask You to help and guide with our, at times, complicated lives. We pray to do so with faith, grace and humility so that we may bring sense and happiness wherever we go.


Prayer Thoughts for Wednesday 3rd January 2024

As we begin this year let us think of many things to do that are important.

A book to read, a call to make,

A walk in the park, a stroll by the river,

A dog to hug, and rest by the fire.

We have comfort, contentment, dreams to inspire
