News from the Christ in Action Food Bank SCO45322 July 2020

We are now almost half way through the food bank year and we must consider where we are and where we are going……

Where we are is more food in Monkton Prestwick North Church Hall than any of us have seen and a Bank Balance of £7134.00.

The food stock has come from our store at MPN combining the remnants of our stock from St James Church (stored there for convenience if the school needed stock) plus the residue from others as their projects come to a close. 10:10 scheme stock stored in Baptist Church (which provided thousands of lunches delivered in South Ayrshire) plus stock they had purchased for a shop whose lease was turned over to another by their landlord, was shared with numerous groups in and around this area. Much of this food came to all of us through Government and Council schemes. The charity Seascape who received funding to operate their own food bank during lockdown contacted us this week and we are uplifting their stock as their staff get back to manning their office. July is also our month for picking up from the boxes in Sainsbury’s. This has always been done within a very tight schedule.

Trustees are sure we will not carry high stock levels for long.

As we look to the future, in addition to our present commitments we hope to return to deliver to Seascape, the Blue Triangle and Secession House. Newton Primary school are looking forward to having us back in the school not just fresh deliveries as we do just now and Women’s Refuge contacted us and we have completed a first delivery there w/c 13th July.

Since April we have sent out 159 deliveries, includingto single parent family with 2 children and an elderly lady on her own, £190 of fresh food (eggs milk fruit /veg) every week to the school plus additional items as they needed them, NHS MENTAL HEALTH AND HOMELESS NURSE and we have donated food to Broken Chains and 10:10 when it was needed.

It has been amazing never quite knowing what the day will bring and how we will cope with the challenges. To everyone who has continued to donate, our grateful thanks, for we have had to buy essentials i.e. basic hygiene items, remember the toilet roll shortage, sugar, main meals and biscuits, plus of course our fresh food expenses. Our volunteers have done a marvelous job much appreciated by the staff and individuals who have received assistance from Christ in Action Food for their clients and themselves.

We look forward, knowing that we are reaching some neighbours in our community who need our help.

Please continue to support us through prayer for the work that is done in Christ’s name.

Contact us using the following email: if you require further information.